What would you like to report?

Trip Update
Status update of a ride in progress

Use this to report the status of a trip in progress, so other passengers and those waiting have the freshest information about what's going on

Service Alert
Reporting an unforeseen event

Use this to report issues affecting a stop, station, route or the entire network

Vehicle Position
Provide real time tracking for others

Use this to provide location data about your ride, to all users of Occasional Transpo

LRT Status Report
We know about the square wheels already 😂

Use this purpose built service alert to quickly to report status changes to the L1 LRT line

Awesome Driver
Noteworthy service is worth celebrating

Use this to report service that is above and beyond and deserving of recognition

Station/Stop Service Requests via Status Report
Keep us informed and submit automatic service requests by completing this checklist

Use this checklist to report problems that needs fixing, like damage to transit infrastructure, garbage overflow, missing signage, unsafe/unclean surfaces, BUS/LRT quality/maintenance, barriers/accessibility issues

Potentially Critical Events

If you were/are on transit property and require the rendering of aid, see suspicious or out of place behavior or objects, if you are the victim or witness of a crime, feel unsafe, harassed or threatened or if you see someone who seems lost or needing help

Inform an operator, Approach a Special Constable, Call OC Transpo Security at 613-741-2478 or visit OC Online Reporting or trigger the yellow security box found at most stations and platforms

Off Transit Property Non-Emergency

Call to report a police non-emergency at 613-236-1222#7300. TTY service for the deaf, deafened and hard of hearing 613-760-8100

The Police Reporting Unit is closed between the hours of 9 PM and 10 AM. An automated attendant will provide options during this time on how to redirect your call

If you wish to remain anonymous, please contact Crime Stoppers at crimestoppers.ca or 1-800-222-8477


For situations that pose an immediate risk to health, life, property, or environment Do not hesitate. Dial 911

When possible, inform an operator or trigger the yellow security box found at most stations and platforms

LRT Status Report

Use this purpose built service alert to quickly to report status changes to the L1 LRT line

Minimum information to make the form work
Reporting For
Work from West to East (TP to BLA)
Enter the best guess or the first time of public reporting to when this happened. If it happened outside of today, use the optional fields to let us know
Alert Details
Wow, not even flex tape can fix this
3-10 words. Should state the problem and allude to the severity.
Longer description to help people understand the problem, effect and the solutions. Also is the text of the automated tweet Body.
Type of Problem
Known effect it is causing
Per Station information

Set the status of the stations, affected by this event (not the overall status of the line). If only one station is known, put warnings on either side, unless there will be no change in expected station behavior (ie. dead trains at terminus stations)

Station ID
Optional, unless "info" choice is selected, as this text will be displayed. Use this to provide tips/help/heads up information unique to a station.
Optional, unless "info" choice is selected, as this text will be displayed. Use this to provide tips/help/heads up information unique to a station.
Optional, unless "info" choice is selected, as this text will be displayed. Use this to provide tips/help/heads up information unique to a station.
Optional, unless "info" choice is selected, as this text will be displayed. Use this to provide tips/help/heads up information unique to a station.
Optional, unless "info" choice is selected, as this text will be displayed. Use this to provide tips/help/heads up information unique to a station.
Optional, unless "info" choice is selected, as this text will be displayed. Use this to provide tips/help/heads up information unique to a station.
Optional, unless "info" choice is selected, as this text will be displayed. Use this to provide tips/help/heads up information unique to a station.
Optional, unless "info" choice is selected, as this text will be displayed. Use this to provide tips/help/heads up information unique to a station.
Optional, unless "info" choice is selected, as this text will be displayed. Use this to provide tips/help/heads up information unique to a station.
Optional, unless "info" choice is selected, as this text will be displayed. Use this to provide tips/help/heads up information unique to a station.
Optional, unless "info" choice is selected, as this text will be displayed. Use this to provide tips/help/heads up information unique to a station.
Optional, unless "info" choice is selected, as this text will be displayed. Use this to provide tips/help/heads up information unique to a station.
Optional, unless "info" choice is selected, as this text will be displayed. Use this to provide tips/help/heads up information unique to a station.
Additional information that will help
#The 4 digit identification number found at the exterior rear, top roof, sides and interior front of busses and interior sides near doors and exterior near nose on the light rail
Human readable time that this event happened
Known or rough estimation of when this alert should be no longer relevant/expire, in minutes or date
Any message or text you would like to pass along to help the OCC humans understand whats going on. Won't be displayed on the site.
Adminstration Use
Your Community ID Number